Hambatan-hambatan Komunikasi Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar Di MIN Sibuhuan

  • Erawadi Erawadi IAIN Sidimpuan
  • Marlianto Hasibuan Pascasarjana IAIN Padang Sidimpuan
  • Zulkifli Tanjung UIN Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Communication in PBM, Learning Process, MIN Sibuhuan


The teacher as one of the elements of communication in PBM has multiple roles, not only as a “teacher” who performs a “transfer of knowledge” (transfer of knowledge), but also as a guide who encourages potential, develops alternatives, and mobilizes students in learning. That is, teachers have complex duties and responsibilities towards achieving educational goals, where teachers are not only required to master the knowledge to be taught and have a set of teaching knowledge and technical skills, but teachers are also required to display a personality that is capable of being role models for students in aside from doing good communication.
