Efforts to Increase Elementary Students' Learning Activeness Through the Implementation of Bamboo Dancing Learning Strategies

  • Safran Safran Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan
Keywords: Bamboo Dancing, Active Learning, Science Learning


The Bamboo Dancing (BD) Learning Model begins with listening to the presentation of science material information from the teacher, then students study in groups of pairs. The material that has been discussed is then taught to other group members, by shifting in a clockwise direction and returning to the original pair. One of the lessons offered to improve the quality of learning Natural Sciences in elementary schools is a learning model that is based on a constructivist view because it is considered the most suitable for the characteristics of learning Natural Sciences. Through the basis of constructivism, students create meaning from experience after experience and what is learned. Experience after experience can be obtained by using cooperative learning models. One of the cooperative learning models that can be offered is the bamboo dancing type.


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